django-mediagenerator: asset management for Django

Improve your user experience with amazingly fast page loads by combining, compressing, and versioning your JavaScript & CSS files and images. django-mediagenerator eliminates unnecessary HTTP requests and maximizes cache usage. Also, it provides lots of advanced features required for building HTML5 web applications (e.g. HTML5 offline manifests, Sass support, etc.).

Take a look at the feature comparison for a quick overview and if you like django-mediagenerator please click the I use this! button on that page. Thank you!

Django mediagenerator lives on GitHub (downloads, source code and bug tracking).


Q: How does it relate to django-staticfiles / django.contrib.staticfiles?

django-mediagenerator is a complete standalone asset manager which replaces django-staticfiles. You can still use both in the same project if you really need to, but that’s very rarely the case (e.g. during a gradual transition from django-staticfiles to django-mediagenerator).

Q: What are the perfect caching headers?

  • Disable ETags because they cause unnecessary If-modified-since requests.
  • Use Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000

Tip: How to include IE-specific stylesheets

Imagine you have several stylesheets combined into main.css bundle. Now imagine you also have an extra stylesheet for Internet Explorer called ie.css. Most websites include their IE-specific stylesheet with an additional <link /> tag using conditional HTML. The problem with this solution is that IE users have to wait for two requests: one for main.css and another one for ie.css. Can this be done more efficiently?

Yes! Create two CSS bundles (main-ie.css with ie.css and main.css without ie.css) in your settings. For example:

_base_main_bundle = (

        + _base_main_bundle,
        + _base_main_bundle
        + ('ie.css',),

Then, use this conditional comment sequence to include the bundles:

<!--[if (!IE)|(gte IE 8)]><!--> {% include_media 'main.css' %} <!--<![endif]-->
<!--[if lt IE 8]> {% include_media 'main-ie.css' %} <![endif]-->

Now every browser will only make one single request. Cool, isn’t it?

In the example above only IE6 and IE7 get special treatment. IE8 loads the same stylesheet as all other browsers. Of course you can extend the example to serve different stylesheets for all the different IE versions.